Visit on Sunday

A step-by-step guide for what to expect on a Sunday morning at Citylight Bible Church.

Visit on Sunday

A step-by-step guide for what to expect on a Sunday morning at Citylight Church



People begin gathering on Sunday around 9:30 AM for coffee and fellowship, and the service starts at 10. Dress is casual, so come as you are!

Citylight Bible Church meets at 1921 Union Blvd., Allentown, PA 18109.



We look forward to meeting your kids!

Children remain in the service for worship time and announcements. After a personalized prayer time, they are dismissed to the classroom wing for nursery (ages 0-4) and children’s church (ages 5-10). A parent or guardian is asked to accompany their children in order to sign them in at their classrooms.

If preferable, parents are more than welcome to keep all children with them for the entire service.


Worship through Song

We love to praise our Lord through singing! You can expect to be guided in corporate worship through theologically rich songs that are both modern and historic. We seek to praise our God through sincere congregational participation rather than mere musical performance. 


Bible Teaching

The Word of God is our ultimate authority, life-giving and full of grace and truth! Every week one of our pastors delivers a Scriptural, expositional sermon designed to deepen our love for Jesus and further our commitment to His Word and ways. 


Get Involved

Life Groups, ministries, and service teams are great ways to grow in community as you use your talents and get to know new people. They provide wonderful ways to connect with Citylight Bible Church.

As you visit and investigate our congregation, we hope that you will be drawn to fellowship with and minister alongside of us. Feel free to ask an elder or any of our members if you would like some more information on how to connect beyond our Sunday morning services.

More information you might find helpful

Meet the Leadership

Our pastors and leaders love the Lord, the Word of God, and the community in and around Citylight Bible Church.

What We Believe & Teach

What we believe about the Bible informs everything that we value as a church.

Get Connected

Discover the ways you can connect and grow at Citylight Bible Church.


Learn more about our values, mission, and partnerships.